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»»› Student Life ‹««
»»› Duties of a Student ‹««

Student life is a period of preparation. It is rightly called the seed time of human life.

The student life is the seed time of life. If we sow seeds in the right time, we get good crops. In the same way, if we go to school, attend our classes, prepare our lessons regularly & work very hard all the time, we get good results. There is a proverb, "As you sow, so you reap." Student life is,therefore, the best period of preparation for life.

A student must read good books & newspaper regularly. He should learn about his people, his country & also the world around him.

Only acquiring knowledge isn't sufficient for a student. He must cultivate good manners & develop the good qualities like self discipline, honesty & broad outlook about life. He must be obedient to his teachers & parents. He should always mix with good people & avoid evil company. A student can't study all the time. He should take physical exercise & play games regularly. A student of today is the citizen of tomorrow. He should mind that a good man is better than a good certificate.


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