The Soda Pop




»»› Sinking A Tubewell ‹««

22 September, 2014
The UP Chairman,
11 No. Baghasura Union Porishod
Madhabpur, Habiganj.

Subject: Prayer for sinking a tubewell.

We the inhabitants of Fatehpur. We beg most respectfully to state that our village is the big village in the union. But it is a matter of great regret that there is no tubewell in our village. So our women have to fetch drinking water from a mile away. Very often we have to drink impure water of the nearby ponds & canals. As a result, many of our men die cholera, dysentery, typhoid etc every year. So we are badly in need of a tubewell in our village.

May we, therefore, pray & hope that you would be kind enough to sanction a tubewell in our village & thereby save many precious lives.

Yours faithfully,
The inhabitants of Fatehpur.


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